WebPatientEncounter - WebOSCE
WebPatientEncounter: an electronic learning system to enhance physician patient communication
Researchers in the Drexel University College of Medicine have developed a computer-based system, WebPatientEncounter, that facilitates remote audio/visual encounters between trainees and standardized patients for the practice, assessment, and remediation of healthcare communication competencies. This system has been tested by medical students with standardized patient-based exams, measuring communication skills with structured assessment and constructive feedback. The students who used the training modules had significantly improved communication skills than those students who did not use the system. Over forty training modules have been developed, with topics ranging from delivering bad news, weight management, and smoking cessation.
- Online training of standardized patients
- Assessment of healthcare communication abilities for medical students
- Address deficiencies in communication, quality of diagnostic information elicited from patients, and quality in physician’s counseling
- Objective, reproducible scoring of competencies
- Structured feedback
- Access to complete recording of video session
- Personalized learning assignments with performance tracking
- Learn best practices for communicating in healthcare setting
- Intuitive videoconference interface
Intellectual Property and Development Status
United States Patent Pending- 14/639,596
Registered copyright
WebPatientEncounter portal
Daetwyler C. et al. E-learning to enhance physician patient communication: a pilot test of “DocCom” and “WebEncounter” in teaching bad news delivery. Medical Teacher, 2010, 32, e381-390.
Novack D. et al. A pilot test of WebOSCE – a system for assessing trainees’ clinical skills via teleconference. Medical Teacher, 2002, 24(5), p.483-487.