Dosing algorithm for continuous infusion anti-infectives administered as continuous infusions via CRRT solutions


Researchers at Drexel University and NYU have developed an innovative method for preparing and delivering medications for patients undergoing dialysis, hemodialysis, or Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT). Specifically, this algorithm for adding antibiotics or other drugs to dialysate solutions adjusts their concentration based on the patient's serum level, and administers these solutions during treatment. Utilizing this new dosing strategy in the setting of pediatric CRRT, addition of antibiotics to the dialysis solution was completed in minutes in a non-sterile environment, and 100% of patients receiving vancomycin or cefazolin achieved therapeutic serum concentrations.

Market Applications

  • Intensive Care Units (ICUs): Beneficial for patients in ICU settings, especially those requiring CRRT due to acute kidney injury or sepsis.
  • Dialysis Centers: Applicable in various dialysis centers, offering a solution for patients undergoing different types of dialysis procedures.
  • Pharmaceutical Industry: Pharmaceutical companies producing antibiotics and similar drugs could adopt this method for ensuring proper dosing in critical care scenarios.

Key Advantages

  • Customized Drug Administration: Enables customization of antibiotic or drug concentrations in dialysate solutions tailored to individual patient needs.
  • Precision in Treatment: Ensures accurate drug dosing by adjusting concentrations according to the patient's serum levels, improving treatment efficacy.
  • Enhanced Patient Safety: Reduces the risk of under or over-dosing, enhancing patient safety and minimizing adverse effects.

Problems Solved

  • Optimal Antibiotic Administration: Addresses challenges in achieving therapeutic antibiotic levels in critically ill patients, especially those undergoing CRRT or suffering from conditions like sepsis.
  • Precise Drug Dosing: Solves the problem of variable drug clearance during CRRT, ensuring consistent and precise dosing for effective treatment
  • Improved Patient Outcomes: Aims to improve patient outcomes by providing tailored drug concentrations, vital for managing infections in ICU settings.

Intellectual Property and Development Status

United States Patent Pending-18/368,617


Cies JJ, Chopra A. Continuous Infusion Vancomycin Through the Addition of Vancomycin to the Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Solution in the PICU: A Case Series.

Cies JJ, Chopra A. Therapeutic drug monitoring of continuous-infusion acylovir for disseminated herpes simplex virus infection in a neonate receiving concurrent extracorporeal life support and continuous renal replacement therapy.

Contact Information


Ravi Raghani, Ph.D.

Licensing Manager

Office of Applied Innovation

Drexel University
