Customizable genomic sequencing library Generation
This innovation is a high-accuracy, low-cost, customizable genome sequencing method compatible with several long-read sequencing systems. It can be used to tailor target specific genomic sequencing -- increasing custom product offerings for sequencing service providers and kit manufacturers..
This technology introduces a novel approach for generating sequence-linked DNA fragments using a combination of nicking endonucleases and sgRNA libraries for de novo long-read genome sequencing. It leverages the precision of CRISPR-associated endonucleases and strand-displacing polymerases to create linked-paired-end DNA fragments, streamlining the sequencing library preparation process and enhancing genome assembly accuracy.
Market Applications
- Gene panel sequencing with 100% on-target coverage
- Structural variant profiling and breakpoint detection
- Reference-based and de novo haplotype phasing
- QA/QC for cell and gene therapy development
- QA/QC for crop, livestock and seafood genome engineering
Key Advantages
- Customizable non-random fragmentation of target genomic regions
- Compatible with a number of long-read sequencing systems
- Target enrichment during sequencing library generation
- Facilitates haplotype-resolved sequencing, crucial for understanding complex genomic loci
- Highly accurate structural variant analysis due to target enrichment during fragmentation
- Simple, fast, cost-effective and high-quality de novo assembly of complex genomes
Problems Solved
- Challenges in accurate de novo genome assembly using short read sequencing
- Errors introduced during target amplification with conventional sequencing protocols
- Limitations in structural variant analysis within complex genomic regions
- Limitations in resolution of haplotypes with traditional sequencing methods
- High complexity, time, and cost of conventional genome sequencing
Intellectual Property and Development Status
United States Issued Patent - Whole genome mapping by DNA sequencing with linked-paired-end library
United States Patent Pending - Linked-read sequencing library preparation
A long-read sequencing strategy with overlapping linkers on adjacent fragments (OLAF-Seq) for targeted resequencing and enrichment
Contact Information
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