This technology introduces a novel method for integrating 2D materials into ceramics without high-temperature degradation, enhancing their electrical and mechanical properties. It was jointly developed by leading researchers Yury Gogotsi at Drexel University and Clive Randall at Penn State University and is available for licensing. Nanocomposites containing two-dimensional (2D) materials have gained significant attention in recent years for their ability to enhance the properties of ceramics, including electrical conductivity, thermal stability, mechanical strength, and hardness. However, the integration of 2D materials into ceramic composites has faced significant challenges due to the high temperatures (typically above 800°C) required for conventional ceramic sintering processes. At such temperatures, 2D materials often degrade, undergo oxidation, or react chemically with the ceramic matrix, making it difficult to preserve their unique properties. This limitation has significantly hindered the application of advanced 2D materials like MXenes in ceramics.


MXenes, a growing family of two-dimensional inorganic materials first discovered at Drexel University, have shown exceptional potential due to their unique electrical, thermal, and structural properties. When combined with the cold sintering process (CSP)—a groundbreaking technology developed at Penn State University that enables densification of ceramics at temperatures as low as 300°C—these materials can now be successfully integrated into ceramic matrices without degradation.


This patent pending technology leverages this transformative approach by combining MXenes with CSP to create advanced ceramic nanocomposites with unprecedented performance. The collaboration between researchers at Drexel and Penn State has demonstrated this capability through the co-sintering of Ti₃C₂Tₓ (a MXene material) with ZnO, a model ceramic oxide, to form ZnO-Ti₃C₂ nanocomposites. These composites achieve up to 98% of theoretical density at 300°C, preserving the structural integrity of the MXene while ensuring its homogeneous distribution along ceramic grain boundaries. This innovation opens new opportunities for the use of MXenes in ceramics, enabling high-performance materials for applications ranging from electronics to thermal management and beyond.

Market Applications

  • Ceramics.
  • Advanced structural materials for aerospace and automotive industries.
  • Electronics and optoelectronics for enhanced conductivity components.
  • Energy storage and conversion devices.

Key Advantages

  • Low-temperature sintering preserves the integrity of 2D materials.
  • Opens new avenues for the design and development of advanced ceramic-matrix nanocomposites.

  • Significant improvement in electrical conductivity.

  • Homogeneous distribution of 2D materials within the ceramic matrix.
  • High densification (92-98% of theoretical density) achieved

Problems Solved

  • Integration of 2D materials into ceramics without high-temperature degradation.

  • Challenges in achieving homogeneous distribution of 2D materials in ceramics.
  • Limited electrical conductivity and mechanical strength of traditional ceramics.

Intellectual Property and Development Status

United States Patent Pending- Ceramic oxide composites reinforced with 2d mx-enes


Cold Sintered Ceramic Nanocomposites of 2D MXene and Zinc Oxide

Clive Randall Research & Publications (Penn State)

A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute

Penn State Center for Dielectrics and Piezoelectrics

The density and microstructure of ZnO–Ti3C2Tx nanocomposites cold sintered at 300 °C for 1 h. a) The densities of cold sintered ZnO–Ti3C2Tx nanocomposites. SEM images of: b) ZnO and c) 99ZnO–1Ti3C2Tx raw powders, and the cross sections of cold sintered: d) ZnO and e) 99ZnO–1Ti3C2Tx ceramics. f–h) TEM, i) HAADF-STEM images and j–l) energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) elemental mapping of cold sintered 99ZnO–1Ti3C2Tx nanocomposite. The red circles in TEM and HAADF-STEM images show one example of the Ti3C2Tx region. In the HAADF image, the bright areas belong to ZnO and the dark areas belong to Ti3C2Tx. EDS maps, where elemental Zn is shown in red and Ti is shown in cyan, show the presence of Ti3C2Tx at the ZnO grain boundaries.


The temperature-dependent: a) electrical conductivities, b) Seebeck coefficients, and c) power factors (PF) of ZnO–Ti3C2Tx nanocomposites cold sintered at 300 °C for 1 h. 300: Heat treatment in inert atmosphere at 300 °C. 750: Heat treatment in inert atmosphere at 750 °C. All figures share the same legend

Contact Information


Elizabeth Poppert, Ph.D.

Office of Applied Innovation

Office of Research & Innovation

Drexel University

3250 Chestnut Street, Ste. 3010
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 215-895-0999


Matthew Smith

Senior Technology Licensing Officer

Penn State University
