CRISPR-Cas9 Labeling of Human Genomic DNA for Telomere Length Measurement


Executive Statement:

An innovative method for the precise detection and measurement of individual telomere lengths that can be correlated to specific chromosomes.


This technology provides a method for detecting the length of individual telomeres in genomic DNA using a unique combination of guide RNA, Cas9 nickase, polymerase, and fluorescently labeled nucleotide. The fluorescently labeled motif sequences are used as a barcode to identify the chromosome. This technology can be deployed to detect and map chromosomal haplotypes and previously unknown regions of the human genome.

Market Applications

  • Useful in aging research for understanding telomere lengths in healthy humans and their role in diseases such as cancer
  • Helpful in studying and understanding individual haplotypes and the human genome
  • Telomere biology research
  • Biomedical research involving DNA damage and repair
  • Drug discovery and development
  • Cancer diagnostics and therapy

Key Advantages

  • Simultaneously measures individual telomeres in a single reaction
  • Identifies corresponding chromosome arms
  • Capable of identifying chromosomes with no detectable telomere repeats and previously unknown regions of the genome
  • Uses a smaller amount of DNA compared to other methods
  • Capable of identifying chromosomal haplotypes

Problems Solved

  • Overcomes the limitation of traditional methods that only provide mean telomere length information
  • Solves the problem of existing methods being unable to measure telomeres in senescent cells
  • Addresses the challenge of measuring critically short telomeres, which are critical for chromosome stability and cell viability

Intellectual Property and Development Status

US Patent Issued - #US11761028B2 - Methods of specifically labeling nucleic acids using CRISPR/Cas9


Genes 2023: Single-Molecule Telomere Assay via Optical Mapping (SMTA-OM) Can Potentially Define the ALT Positivity of Cancer

BMC Genomics 2020: Single-molecule analysis of subtelomeres and telomeres in Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) cells

Genome Research 2017: High-throughput single-molecule telomere characterization

Commercialization Opportunities

This invention is part of a larger portfolio of technologies available for licensing and commercialization: TOOLS FOR GENOMIC APPLICATIONS POWERED BY CRISPR/CAS9 BASED DNA LABELING

Contact Information

For Intellectual Property and Licensing inquiries

Robert McGrath, Ph.D.

Senior Associate Vice Provost,

Drexel Applied Innovation

Office of Research and Innovation

3250 Chestnut Street, Ste. 3010
Philadelphia, PA 19104




Inventor information

Ming Xiao, PhD

School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems


Inventor Webpage